Yes, a copy of this booking is stored in the iVectorOne DB for reference/audit. However, you'll still need to store the booking information on your side at time of booking based on the API response, as iVectorOne acts as a switch between you and the supplier that the booking has been made with.
Book Response
The book response contains the information relating the the booking made with the supplier.
Booking Data
The copy of the booking data within iVectorOne is referential data, and stored at the time of booking. The only other time this data might be updated via iVectorOne would be when the booking is cancelled. If the booking is changed or cancelled outside of an iVectorOne call (e.g. manual amendments or cancellations made directly with the supplier) will not be reflected in the iVectorOne reference of the booking
Booking Retrieve
To see the information that iVectorOne stores, you can use the Booking Retrieve call via iVectorOne. Details can be seen in the API docs / Postman Guide / Swagger Docs.
The key data you need here:
Booking Reference (e.g. the BookingReference field you have used in the book request
This is the reference you are storing the booking in your system)
Supplier Reference - this is the Supplier booking locator that is returned in the book response.
If the booking has failed, you won't have a reference, so you need to pass in failed as a parameter.
Supplier Name
Quite simply, the name of the supplier that the booking was made with, e.g. HotelBedsV2
An example of the call might look like this for a failed booking
And for a successful booking
iVectorOne Portal
The booking data can be seen in the log viewer function within the portal, by clicking the Booking Search tab and searching for a booking using the iVectorOne / supplier reference or the lead guest details